The uterus, just before Dr.M removes the puppies....all 11 of them.

Puppy number one coming out. You only get to see the first one coming out, because we were too busy clamping and cutting and rubbing to take any more pictures during the sx.

Hmmm....am I really working? Or just lounging around by the ECG machine, enjoying the warmth of the sx table and enjoying the view of the puppies coming out. Yeah, I'm working. Keeping the dog alive,that sort of thing.

YEAH! You finally got pics~ha ha! Had fun tonight, thanks for coming over. It brightened my evening. :)
u spent machine wrong ;)
glad somebody is looking out for my spelling...I'm sure there will be quite a few spelling and grammatical errors in these posts. Ah well. I don't always catch everything when I reread them.
This is awesome. I should post pictures of what I do at work! They wouldn't be even remotely cool. I can see the captions now... "Me working on an Excel spreadsheet." "Me polishing a sample for hours on end." "Me standing in front of big expensive machines which are designed to break small pieces of metal."
lol! :)
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